Love to Learn!

Today we sent home our Love to Learn books.
This is a project book where you will be set tasks and you can complete them with your child in this book. You can complete them however you like; drawings, writing, photos...get as creative as you can!
Our first Love to Learn task is designing and making our very own superhero costume. As we will be learning about real life heroes, we thought it would be great for the children to create their own superhero character. They will need to plan out their character and decide on a name, a costume design and some superpowers.
Please draw and label this in this book. Then - get making the costume with homemade materials ready to wear on our: Superhero Day Tuesday 5th December.
In the past we've had 'Plastic Girl' who saves the oceans and 'Smile Boy' who makes her friends smile and many more. Please send back your Love to Learn books on Superhero Day.