Space Day!

We had a blast on Space Day!
The children looked amazing, such great efforts - well done! We had astronauts, aliens, stars, planets, whole solar systems...they really did look brilliant.
Throughout the day we had lots of space activities going on, including; a spaceship crash! Mr Holliday came bursting into the class and told us something had happened in the mud kitchen and we should get out there quick! He was right, in the mud kitchen there was a smoking pile of metal...we must have only just missed them! The aliens had left us a letter too, they needed us to search through the crash site and sort out any magnetic items.
Our other activities were decorating biscuits in galaxy swirls and star sprinkles, space rocket colouring, astronaut dancing, space story reading and cloud dough making (the class asked me to give parents a link to an instructional video as some were keen to make it at home, we used Tesco own cornflour and mega cheap conditioner!).
Thanks again for all the effort with the costumes, the children really have loved this topic. Do send in any more Love to Learn books that haven't made it back into school yet.