Neurodiversity Week Info
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Information on what to expect during the week.
Cinema Screening-The Reason I Jump’- Monday 11th March 2024, information on MCAS.
The RAPS wellbeing team are running some parent workshops, details below.
Sleep Workshop -Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 8.30 - 10.30am, this needs booking via office.
Drop in parent session led by Wendy Boorman from the Kent Autism Trust from 10am-12 on Tuesday 12th March, details of where this to be held to follow.
Speech and Language Workshop - Friday 15th March 2024 at 2.15pm, this does not need booking and will be run by Jo Cahill, the speech therapist that works at RAPS each week.
Throughout the week the children will be engaging in many different sensory activities. In a similar way to number day, Reception and Year 1 will be moving teachers around and leading different sessions, this will be on Wednesday and Thursday morning. For one of these sessions we are making a snowglobe/story jar - please send in an appropriate jar for this.