Times Tables

Update on our times table badge challenge!
Oh my goodness!
I have been absolutely blown away by the efforts made towards the times table badges. The children are knocking them out of the park, some earning their 3s, 8s and 11s! Soon their lanyards will be full of their achievements!
Some children are getting a little bit disheartened each week if they are not earning their badge, but we only have 10 minutes per maths session to focus on timetables. The rest of the practise must be done at home if they want to earn that badge!
The quiz we complete each Friday is a mix of 30 questions on a set times tables (for example, 30 questions of all the 2s, and there will be repeats of questions in there). The children have 3 minutes to complete the sheet. The pass rate is 28, so it is also a case of speed as well as knowledge.
We are practising using our fingers to help us with our times tables. So for example, 4 x 3, get 4 on your fingers, count in 3s, 3, 6, 9, 12, 4 x 3 = 12.
We have also been loving playing this game at the end of the Maths sessions if we have time. The children get realllllllly competitive, but it helps them learn it! I'll paste the link below so they can play at home too!
Keep practising!! Very proud!