Welcome back!
We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break and enjoyed the festivities; however we are now back to business! Please find the Arts curriculum timetable for the coming term...
The Arts curriculum for term 3 will be as follows:
Monday - Double Art
Tuesday - Drama and Music
Wednesday - Computing and Indoor PE
Thursday - Outdoor PE and Musical Theatre
As you can see, children will need to come in wearing their school PE kit on Wednesday and Thursday for this term.
Please ensure that your child does wear a (named) coat to school each day and try to send them in with a named water bottle too.
Please note that some children have been invited to participate in an early morning maths group. This will begin in the first full week of term (Monday 8th January). Those who this applies to, have already received a letter from the school office.
Although it is not a Monday, please can all children bring in their Reading Records over the next two days (with AT LEAST 4 signed reads).
Many thanks as always!