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Home Learning

Monday 8th March 2020

Hi Team R-B,

PE: Can you have a go at this Mario Work Out?

Maths: This week we are going to continue learning about measure, but this time we are going to learn about weight. Can you have a go at the heavier or lighter challenge below. Take photos of your objects and post them on the Padlet.

English: Today and tomorrow we are going to write your moral. Look back at your plan from Friday and have a go. It may be helpful to tell the story to your adult before you begin, this will help you write it down. Today I would like you to introduce your characters. Use lots of adjectives to describe what they look like but also more importantly their personalities. Just like you did for the Emperor.

Spelling: This week we are looking at the I sound spelt with a y. Can you dot and dash the words below?

Topic: Today is our Art to Start Day. Can you create clothes using newspaper? You could make a suit or a dress or a top and trousers. The possibilities are endless! Post your photos on Padlet! I can’t wait to see them!

 Helping at Home:  Can you help today by making your bed?

Happy Monday!

Love Miss R-B, Mrs Fetherston, Mr Brown and Charlie Fudge xx