Out Of This World Fun Learning at RAPS

Little space cadets at Ramsgate Arts Primary blasted off for a countdown to learning among the stars.
Space Explorers is their main topic this term and it began with an alien mystery when children discovered a crashed UFO in the garden outside the Reception classes complete with unidentified footprints leading in to school.
The children made some fabulous observations and predictions about what might have happened, which was a positive opportunity to extend their vocabulary and develop their speaking skills.
Learning about stars, constellations, the moon and the planets in our solar system is all part of their cosmos adventure – and as part of their home learning pupils and their families were encouraged to create a costume for a special space day.
Some of the creations were out of this world and staff joined dressed as astronauts for a hands-on fun-filled trip to outer space.
Children worked together to enjoy ice painting, playing with moon sand, taking part in a 'zooming to the moon' dance, building rockets using 3D shapes and paint, and creating alien faces with loose parts.
An inter-galactic fashion show was another big favourite, with everyone proudly showcasing their creative space-themed costumes.
As part of the broader topic learning, parents were invited into class for an 'Art to Start' session where pupils examined the work of Van Gogh and in particular his famous 'Starry Night' painting. They then created their own version of the using a variety of techniques including swirling, foil painting and collage.
Louise Chidwick-Day, Assistant Head of School, said: “It was an experience the children will carry with them for a long time - they finished the day by voting for their favourite space-themed book for story time.
“A huge thank you goes to all the parents for their fantastic effort with the children’s costumes, which made the day even more memorable. “
Ramsgate Arts Primary is part of the Viking Academy Trust with its partner schools Chilton Primary in Ramsgate and Upton Juniors in Broadstairs.
**Contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847