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Team Cialis (Yr 4)


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  • Spelling Practice

    Published 09/05/23, by Joshua Cialis
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  • RAPS Talent Show!

    Published 09/05/23, by Joshua Cialis

    The RAPS talent show is back! It will be held on the last day of term (Fri 26th May) during school time. If children want to take part, they will need to audition at lunchtime on Thurs 18th May 12pmThey can perform any talent they wish, in a group or on their own, and can use backing music if they want to. A message will be sent home if they are successful in getting through to the final. Good luck and I can't wait to see all your amazing and unique talents!

    Miss Dannell

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  • Success at Turner Exhibition

    Published 05/05/23, by Joshua Cialis

    Maeve, from Team Cialis, has had a piece of artwork accepted in to the Turner Contemporary's latest exhibition. Maeve's piece of ceramic depicts a mermaid surrounded by rubbish.

    Maeve describes the artwork in this way: 

    I have made a mermaid out of clay and she is lying on the rocks, tired after collecting two bin bags full of rubbish. I wanted to create something that appealed to children as most will know the story of the little mermaid but then I also wanted to deliver a strong message: that just because we don't live in the  sea ourselves we have a responsibility to keep it clean for everyone.

    If you would like to see Maeve's artwork in the gallery, the exhibition will be running from 27th May until 10th September.

    I'm sure we'd all like congratulate Maeve on this amazing success!

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  • MTC Parent Meeting

    Published 03/05/23, by Joshua Cialis

    We look forward to seeing parents on Friday (5th May) at 14:45 for our Multiplication Tables Check meeting. This is an opportunity to give you all the information about the MTC that yr 4s will be taking in June.

    After the meeting, you will be able to take your child straight home.

    See you on Friday.

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  • Spelling Practice

    Published 03/05/23, by Joshua Cialis
    You will notice that the spellings sent home this week are slightly different to those normally sent home. These are a practise for the upcoming Viking Trust Countdown competition.  Next term, there will be a Trust competition where RAPS chil
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  • Reading to Team McCormack

    Published 26/04/23, by Alice Piper

    Reading with our reading buddies...

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  • Art to Start - Life All Around Us

    Published 26/04/23, by Joshua Cialis

    This week, year 4 did their Art to Start. We created insect water colours inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe. Georgia O’Keeffe is recognised as being a pioneer of American modernism. She was highly praised for her art, which was unusual for a woman in a male dominated art world. For creative inspiration, we used O'Keeffe's quote: "I had to create an equivalent for what I felt about what I was looking at – not copy it."

    Using insects in resin, we sketched our design. We then added detail using water colours and made a very bright background.


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  • MTC Parents Workshop

    Published 26/04/23, by Claire O'Flaherty
    We would love to invite you to a parent workshop about the statutory multiplication tables check on Friday 5th May.  This will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about the test. We will offer advice on different ways you
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  • Spellings T5:Wk1

    Published 21/04/23, by Joshua Cialis

    Attached are the spellings for this week. Please practise ready for our test next Friday!

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  • Reading and Times Tables

    Published 21/04/23, by Joshua Cialis

    I know that lots of you are working really hard on your reading and times tables at home. Please continue to record all reading in your reading records so that we can reward you when you get to 100 reads. 

    As the Multiplication Tables Check creeps towards us, please continue to practice TTRS and Maths Frame at every opportunity. This practise will put your child in a good position to really excel at this statutory test.

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  • Reading and Times Tables

    Published 21/04/23, by Joshua Cialis

    I know that lots of you are working really hard on your reading and times tables at home. Please continue to record all reading in your reading records so that we can reward you when you get to 100 reads. 

    As the Multiplication Tables Check creeps towards us, please continue to practice TTRS and Maths Frame at every opportunity. This practise will put your child in a good position to really excel at this statutory test.

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  • Term 5! Welcome Back!

    Published 16/04/23, by Joshua Cialis

    Welcome back to another busy Term!

    We hope that you had an amazing Easter Break and you are all ready to have an amazing Term 5!

    We have so many new things to learn and do this term. This starts with Personal Development Week. We will be learning about animal classification and sound in 2 topics this term. We will also be starting a new book, Charlotte's Web.

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