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First week of English

The children really started to show what they could do in their writing this week in class...

During our English sessions, we have been reading the book 'Street Child', which follows the exploits of a young boy - Jim Jarvis - as he struggles to survive on the streets of Victorian London.

Using the contents of the book as a guide, we have begun with some techniques for adding detail to our sentences, as well as providing pupils with a general rule for structuring their paragraphs. We have explored using, 2Ad, 3-ed, 2 pair and O.(I). techniques as a means of varying our sentence structure and exciting the reader with additional description. Why not see if your child can explain what these different strategies are?

 Additionally, we have looked at how to add additional clauses - both within sentences and at the end. The purpose of these techniques is to provide the children with a variety of different means to add detail to their writing. Hopefully, they can implement these in the coming terms as well as they have in the past few days!