Thank you !

Thank you to those of you who attended' parents evening last week !
Hi all,
A massive thank you to those of you who managed to make it to parents evening and meetings over the last week or so. It was great to touch base with you all and share the targets for the children moving forward as well as celebrate areas of success. We have made some great progress and hope to continue in the same vien throughout the rest of year 4.
To help with this, here are some additional websites and apps that can be used to help close the learning gap and consolidate knowledge for a lot of our youngsters.
TTRS - Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (app and website for timestables support)
BBC Bitesize - KS2 - England - BBC Bitesize (short but useful to recap topic and spag)
Doodle - Download apps | DoodleLearning (only a selection of children have access to this)
Mathsframe - Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers - Mathsframe (maths games)
Spell wizards - Best Free Spelling Games For Kids (spelling support)
Many thanks for your continued cooperation.
Team Bullard