Building Number Recognition with Team Piper...

Team Piper’s Journey with Numbers 6, 7, and 8
In Team Piper, we continued to strengthen our understanding of numbers by focusing on 6, 7, and 8. The children learned to create their own representations of these numbers, helping them link numerals to quantities. We encouraged them to name their representations and match numerals to these amounts.
We also prompted children to draw representations when they noticed amounts in the world around them, such as the colours in a rainbow or the 8 legs on a spider.
As part of this learning, we introduced the ten frame, helping children represent numbers up to 8. We guided them to recognise that when the top row of the ten frame is full, it’s a count of 5. By filling the frame from left to right in the ‘5 and a bit’ pattern, children began to see the structure of 6, 7, and 8. We encouraged them to subitise the number 5 and start recognising these patterns on the ten frame.