Christmas countdown!
A blog detailing any Christmas notices/reminders.
- Christmas is in full swing at RAPS! Our Christmas nativity performance is Friday 13th at 9am; please join us if you can. If you haven't already sent in your child's outfit then please do so ASAP as we have dress rehearsals coming up. If you are struggling to find/purchase an outfit then please just say to Mrs W or Ms O - we do have spares we are happy to lend! Oh, if you have a spare hanger to send in for their outfits that would be most welcomed, Team Welvens have a rail for their outfits.
- In the afternoon of Friday 13th, Year 1 will be having a Christmas party. Children are able to come into school that day in party clothes. The children will then change from party clothes into nativity clothes and back again. (The thought of coming into school in uniform, then changing into nativity outfits, then back into uniform to then change into party clothes after lunch is just too much!!!)
- We are asking for party food; thank you in advance.
Team Welvens - savoury foods please, no nuts, eggs baked into things like cakes etc are fine, eggs like scotch eggs/quiches are a no-go due to allergies around the school.
Team O - sweet foods, biscuits/fruit etc.
- The office have asked me to remind parents about the Carol Concert, 3:45pm-4:15pm on Wednesday 11th December.
- I'm sure there's something I've missed but I'm also sure you're probably inundated with messages about Christmas activities as it is!