Edward Tulane and ChatGPT

Just a quick note about a very cool lesson.
Today, during English, we experimented with hot seating our character of Edward Tulane using Chatgpt AI.
We asked the chatbot to answer in character and asked some amazing questions relating to the chapter we had just read. The children were blown away by how quickly the answers came and in the exact way that Edward would have answered !
As such the children may wish to use this technological advance at home. Those of you who know about this already know that a) you need an email address to sign up and b) like anything on the internet, it comes with it's dangers too.
This is a great tool to help children really engage in reading as they can ask the AI to pretend to be a character from their book and delve deeper into the story, but if they are to use it please, as you already do, monitor this.
Many thanks,