Happy New Year

Please see below...
Happy New Year! It's so exciting to start the year with the children, ready for all the fun activities and learning that await us. As we dive into this new term, please remember to write in your child’s reading record whenever they read, even if they are using Oxford Owl. This helps us track their progress and keep their reading on track.
A quick reminder to ensure your child brings their reading book in every day. We are now following a reading cycle, so some children's books will be changed more often than others. Don't worry if this happens; these books go alongside their RWI reading books and are all part of the plan to support their development.
This term, some children will be changing RWI groups, starting from Monday, 13th January. All books will be changed at that time. While waiting for the new books, please continue to read on the Oxford Owl website. The login details for your child are located on the inside of their reading record.
Here's to a wonderful year of learning and growing together!