Pharaoh-nomenal experience!

Topic Day for Year 4 was a real success.
Year 4 launched into our topic focused on ancient Egyptians by completing several missions throughout the day to find out which new god we were worshipping.
Our Egyptians got to work dancing to appease Ra god of the sun. Once they had resorted the light they got to work making pyramids. During break, they reenergised by feasting on a slave staple of bread and water before cracking hierologic codes and working on a large-scale pyramid together. Some Egyptians also explored area and perimeter using sugar cubes. Finally, we carefully dug up ancient artefacts and relics discovered in the foundations of our pyramid.
Amongst these relics was an ancient tablet that revealed the name of our new god, not a new god but one of the oldest Khnum! Khnum god of the river Nile and creator of humans.