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House Points

At RAPS, our houses are named after inspirational artists, colours and house names below. (Can you work out the artists from their surname? 4 points up for grabs!)

Malone - Green

Emin - Blue

Bussell - Red

Elba - Yellow

Children are awarded house points throughout the day for demonstrating the 'RAPS way', showing our values in relation to being part of the school community and for our learning behaviour. Your child should know what house they are in - they will probably just know them as the colours for now though, otherwise you can find out from their home reading pouch, the colour of the zip is their house. 

Each half-term the house with the most points from that term will have a non-uniform day. This is the first term we have been officially involved. Well done to ELba who have won a non-uniform day for this Friday.