Living Lands Trip

On Thursday, we will be travelling to Kent County Showground for the Living Lands Trip. This is an exciting opportunity for the children to experience an agricultural show and learn more about the farming and animals in our county.
Children must be at school at 8:00am on Thursday as we will be leaving school as soon as possible.
On Thursday, all children must bring:
- All children will wear school uniform with comfortable shoes.
- A packed lunch (no egg, no nuts)
- A drinks bottle (no fizzy)
- Waterproofs (it will probably rain and we are outside most of the day)
- Sun cream (if needed)
- Children will need to carry everything for the day and will not be able to leave things on the coach
- Children do NOT need to bring any money to the event as there is nothing for sale.
- If your child takes any medication (that is not already in school) this needs to be given to the office on the day of the trip so we can take it with us.
This will be a great day and hopefully the children will learn lots too.